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Tales From the Edge

Marcus Klossek Electric Trio

Tales From the Edge

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917141023
Catnr: DMCHR 71410
Release date: 21 October 2022
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71410
Release date
21 October 2022

"... Tales From The Edge is truly a masterpiece. This album takes you through the sound stories into a world of excellent music full of jazz, rock, film music and unconventional expressive...", 03-3-2023

About the album

Guitar, drums and bass – sometimes it doesn't take more to create good music. The Berlin-based guitarist Marcus Klossek has been keeping his electric trio alive for 10 years now, and the new album "Tales from the Edge" was also recorded in the tried-and-tested line-up.

"It is the platform that lets me realize my songs," Klossek stated in a lapidary way. “For some reason, I keep returning to this formation. It is simply the ideal line-up for my compositions."

Klossek composed 10 new songs for the album, and most of them are slimly structured and live from a transparent sound. But Klossek is by no means a purist. "I've been trying to integrate other sounds for some time now," he stated. "Our bassist Carsten Hein contributes spacey effects in a completely improvised way in ‘Industrial Escape’. He can provide quite a lot in that respect. For me, this is an important extension of the sound, including the fact that the guitar is not in the foreground all the time."

Klossek does not exclude his own instrument from the expansion of the range of sounds; his Fender Telecaster also breaks out from well-known timbres here and there. "I also incorporated some delay effects in 'Save Your Space’," Klossek said as an example. "I try to get away from sounding as dry as a typical guitar trio, and I like these echo effects and loops quite a bit." The already mentioned Carsten Hein is still at his side. The bassist is just as at home in rock and pop as he is in jazz and has already worked with artists as diverse as Neneh Cherry, Ivy Quainoo, Mellow Mark and Kristiina Tuomi. Marcus Klossek appreciates him for many reasons.

"When I send him new pieces, Carsten always prepares meticulously," the guitarist stated. "He notices where his spots are and comes up with something for them. The pieces take more shape after two or three rehearsals, and he is a very important partner, because he thinks a lot. Many passages are also completely improvised, and I depend on his creativity there." Derek Scherzer sits behind the drums, who is also a sought-after musician and has already played with Ken Norris, Herb Geller, Ulita Knaus, Roger Cicero, Don Friedman and Dusko Goykovich. He is of course essential for electric trio. "Derek is super important," Marcus Klossek emphasized. "He plays very vividly and is much more than just a timekeeper. He improvises with Carsten and me, but still keeps the sound from getting out of hand. He is good at reading notes and grasping the music, but above all he is a gifted improviser."
Together, the three musicians repeatedly set accents that let the vitality and freshness of Klossek's songs shine. The guitarist is a productive composer who can't precisely name from where his inspiration comes.
“I have some small ideas, but I don't even know where they come from,” Klossek shrugged, but then related in more detail: "I then try to make a piece out of small melodies and chords. But I don't compose all the time, but instead do it in phases.” Only the album title was not chosen by chance by Klossek. "Tales from the Edge" illustrates something of the tension of the musicians, who fly over small abysses and large gorges like in a wire rope act – a tension that you don't even hear from the casual music of the trio, because they actually work together like clockwork. They avoid crashes in the process, but they are always possible in principle. "The title expresses the adventure of improvisation," Klossek said, "in which you always take a certain risk, because it can also backfire."

Gitarre, Schlagzeug und Bass - manchmal braucht es nicht mehr, um gute Musik zu kreieren. Der Berliner Gitarrist Marcus Klossek hält sein Electric Trio nun seit zehn Jahren am Leben, auch das neue Album „Tales from the Edge“ wurde in der bewährten Besetzung eingespielt.
„Für mich ist es die Plattform, um meine Stücke zu verwirklichen“, stellt Klossek lapidar fest. „Aus irgendwelchen Gründen kehre ich immer wieder zu dieser Formation zurück. Für meine Stücke ist es einfach die ideale Besetzung.“
Zehn neue Songs hat Klossek für das Album geschrieben und die meisten von ihnen sind schlank gebaut und leben von einem transparenten Klang. Dabei ist Klossek aber beileibe kein Purist. „Ich versuche seit einiger Zeit, andere Klangfarben mit einzubringen“, berichtet er. „Bei ‚Industrial Escape‘ ist es unser Bassist Carsten Hein, der spacige Effekte komplett improvisiert beisteuert. Er kann da eine ganze Menge anbieten. Für mich ist das eine wichtige klangliche Erweiterung, auch damit die Gitarre nicht die ganze Zeit im Vordergrund steht.“
Sein eigenes Instrument nimmt Klossek von der Erweiterung der Klangpalette nicht aus - auch seine Fender Telecaster bricht hier und da aus den bekannten Klangfarben aus. „Bei ‚Save Your Space‘ habe ich selbst ein paar Delay-Effekte mit eingebaut“, gibt Klossek ein Beispiel. „Ein bisschen versuche ich davon wegzukommen, dass wir nicht so trocken wie ein typisches Gitarren-Trio klingen und da gefallen mir diese Echogeschichten und Loops ganz gut.“
An seiner Seite befindet sich nach wie vor der bereits erwähnte Carsten Hein. Der Bassist ist in Rock und Pop genauso zuhause wie im Jazz und hat bereits mit so unterschiedlichen Künstlern wie Neneh Cherry, Ivy Quainoo, Mellow Mark und Kristiina Tuomi zusammen gearbeitet. Marcus Klossek schätzt ihn aus vielen Gründen.
„Wenn ich ihm neue Stücke schicke, bereitet sich Carsten immer ganz akribisch vor“, berichtet der Gitarrist. „Er merkt, wo seine Spots sind und lässt sich dafür etwas einfallen. Nach zwei, drei Proben kriegen die Stücke mehr Gesicht und da ist er ein ganz wichtiger Partner, denn er macht sich viele Gedanken. Viele Passagen sind auch komplett improvisiert und da bin ich auf seine Kreativität angewiesen.“
Hinterm Schlagzeug sitzt seit Jahren Derek Scherzer, der ebenfalls ein gefragter Mann ist und schon mit Ken Norris, Herb Geller, Ulita Knaus, Roger Cicero, Don Friedman und Dusko Goykovich gespielt hat. Für das Electric Trio ist er natürlich essentiell.
„Derek ist superwichtig“, betont Marcus Klossek. „Er spielt sehr lebendig und ist viel mehr als ein bloßer Timekeeper. Er improvisiert mit Carsten und mir und hält trotzdem den Laden zusammen. Er kann gut Noten lesen und die Musik erfassen, ist aber vor allem ein begnadeter Improvisator.“
Zusammen legen die drei Musiker immer wieder Punktlandungen hin, die die Vitalität und Frische von Klosseks Song zum Leuchten bringen. Der Gitarrist ist ein produktiver Stückelieferant, der seine Inspiration gar nicht genau benennen kann.
„Ich habe kleine Ideen, von denen ich gar nicht weiß, wo sie herkommen“, sagt Klossek achselzuckend und stapelt anschließend tief: „Aus kleinen Melodien und Akkorden versuche ich dann, ein Stück zu machen. Ich komponiere aber nicht ständig, sondern das passiert bei mir in Phasen.“
Nur den Albumtitel hat Klossek nicht zufällig gewählt. „Tales from the Edge“ verdeutlicht etwas von der Anspannung der Musiker, die wie bei einem Drahtseilakt über kleine Abgründe und große Schluchten fliegen - eine Anspannung, die man der lässigen Musik des Trios gar nicht anhört, denn sie arbeiten tatsächlich wie ein Uhrwerk zusammen. Dabei vermeiden sie Abstürze, die aber im Prinzip immer möglich sind. „Der Titel drückt das Abenteuer der Improvisation aus“, findet Klossek, „bei der man immer ein gewisses Risiko eingeht, denn es kann auch nach hinten losgehen.“


Marcus Klossek (guitar)

Marcus Klossek Electric Trio Telecaster Jazz Guitar Noire from Berlin Marcus Klossek is one of the growing number of guitarists who perfom Jazz on a Fender Telecaster, the archetype of the electric guitar. A class of musicians that consists of many extraordinary artists; from Jimmy Bryant to Ed Bickert, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Jim Campilongo or Jakob Bro, just to name a few. An established name within the Berlin jazz scene who knows how to get to the point with his Electric Trio. A guitar, bass and drums; that's all it takes to make the songs of Marcus Klossek sound great! His brand new album „Time Was Now“, the 8th release as a bandleader and the first one for Double Moon/Challenge Records, is another proof of exceptional storytelling composing skills...

Marcus Klossek Electric Trio

Telecaster Jazz Guitar Noire from Berlin

Marcus Klossek is one of the growing number of guitarists who perfom Jazz on a Fender Telecaster, the archetype of the electric guitar.

A class of musicians that consists of many extraordinary artists; from Jimmy Bryant to Ed Bickert, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Jim Campilongo or Jakob Bro, just to name a few.

An established name within the Berlin jazz scene who knows how to get to the point with his Electric Trio. A guitar, bass and drums; that's all it takes to make the songs of Marcus Klossek sound great!

His brand new album „Time Was Now“, the 8th release as a bandleader and the first one for Double Moon/Challenge Records, is another proof of exceptional storytelling composing skills which go far beyond the average guitar release.

Marcus Klossek has toured countless european clubs and festivals since his music studies at the University of Arts in Amsterdam.

He also has been an instructor for guitar, ensembles and workshops worldwide for many years.

Incidentally, his virtuoso guitar playing has made him one of the busiest musicians with dozens of guest appearances on albums by bands and projects of the German Jazz scene.

Really good stories don't need to be flashy and loud in order to lodge themselves firmly in our hearts.

“In Jazz there is a demand, that on and with the instruments stories should be told.
Marcus Klossek, the guitarist from Berlin, is someone who has internalized this." Martin Laurentius / Jazzthing


Carsten Hein (bass guitar)


Marcus Klossek (guitar)

Marcus Klossek Electric Trio Telecaster Jazz Guitar Noire from Berlin Marcus Klossek is one of the growing number of guitarists who perfom Jazz on a Fender Telecaster, the archetype of the electric guitar. A class of musicians that consists of many extraordinary artists; from Jimmy Bryant to Ed Bickert, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Jim Campilongo or Jakob Bro, just to name a few. An established name within the Berlin jazz scene who knows how to get to the point with his Electric Trio. A guitar, bass and drums; that's all it takes to make the songs of Marcus Klossek sound great! His brand new album „Time Was Now“, the 8th release as a bandleader and the first one for Double Moon/Challenge Records, is another proof of exceptional storytelling composing skills...

Marcus Klossek Electric Trio

Telecaster Jazz Guitar Noire from Berlin

Marcus Klossek is one of the growing number of guitarists who perfom Jazz on a Fender Telecaster, the archetype of the electric guitar.

A class of musicians that consists of many extraordinary artists; from Jimmy Bryant to Ed Bickert, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Jim Campilongo or Jakob Bro, just to name a few.

An established name within the Berlin jazz scene who knows how to get to the point with his Electric Trio. A guitar, bass and drums; that's all it takes to make the songs of Marcus Klossek sound great!

His brand new album „Time Was Now“, the 8th release as a bandleader and the first one for Double Moon/Challenge Records, is another proof of exceptional storytelling composing skills which go far beyond the average guitar release.

Marcus Klossek has toured countless european clubs and festivals since his music studies at the University of Arts in Amsterdam.

He also has been an instructor for guitar, ensembles and workshops worldwide for many years.

Incidentally, his virtuoso guitar playing has made him one of the busiest musicians with dozens of guest appearances on albums by bands and projects of the German Jazz scene.

Really good stories don't need to be flashy and loud in order to lodge themselves firmly in our hearts.

“In Jazz there is a demand, that on and with the instruments stories should be told.
Marcus Klossek, the guitarist from Berlin, is someone who has internalized this." Martin Laurentius / Jazzthing



... Tales From The Edge is truly a masterpiece. This album takes you through the sound stories into a world of excellent music full of jazz, rock, film music and unconventional expressive..., 03-3-2023

... "Industrial Escape" ... - a 10-minute, exploratory sound vault that evokes the more detailed experiments of Pink Floyd on the one hand, and in its cooler, more electronic passages - in keeping with the title - customs from industrial electronic...
Concerto, 07-2-2023

... Klossek's compositions are always very guitaristic, and in tracks like 'Industrial Escape' it sounds rocky, experimental, and somehow like jazz-rock of the 70s and early electro-sound...
Gitarre & Bass, 28-12-2022

... The most jazzy sounding is "Explanation Of A Lie" and the last song, "Last Step To Lightness", more rock oriented is "Save Your Space", with which I must state that the entirety of the record has a wide range ready.
musikansich, 26-12-2022

... a very solid, also sometimes rocking, fun jazz guitar trio.
nrwjazznet, 04-12-2022

... Guitarist Marcus Klossek, bassist Carsten Hein and drummer Derek Scherzer present themselves here as a compact unit and entertaining storytellers...
virginjazzface, 04-12-2022

Again, the trio excels in striking ensemble playing, in which these musicians, with a natural ease, color the arrangements with refined accents, pronounced dynamics, leaving plenty of room for solo passages for bass, drums and guitar.
Music Frames, 15-11-2022

Nowhere are the compositions really stylish, which is the strength of Tales from the Edge. It are the crossovers, the style pollinations that make the music so interesting and fascinating, which makes you listening over and over again!
Music Frames, 15-11-2022

... It can be so simple: a trio - guitar, bass and drums - and ready are ten entertaining musical stories.
Jazzthing, 24-10-2022

... The brilliant, virtuosic yet understated playing of the frontman makes this album an exceptional work. We are thrilled!
jazzfun, 23-10-2022

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